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How to wash a Bra by hands


1.Fill a sink with warm water and add some mild detergent. Unless you are washing a great number of hand-wash items, you will only need between 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon of detergent.If you do not have a sink, you can use a bucket instead. Be sure that you are using an alcohol-free detergent intended for hand washing garments. If you do not have any mild detergents at home, you can easily make one of your own:
•Combine 1 cup (240 milliliters) of hot water, 1 teaspoon of baby shampoo, and 1 to 2 drops essential oil (such as lavender or chamomile). Fill a sink or bucket with lukewarm water, then add your homemade detergent.
•Dilute some liquid castile soap with water, and add it to a sink or bucket filled with warm water.

2.Mix the detergent into the water. Do this by swishing your hand around in the water. Keep doing this until you get some bubbles and foam. Do not get concerned if there is not a lot of foam; too many suds will not only not clean better, but wastes detergent, and makes rinsing a longer process.

3.Add the bras in. Try to wash similar colors together, especially cotton bras, as dark colors can discolor light colors. Bras made of synthetic materials can typically be washed together without fear of "bleeding".

4.Let the bras sit in the soapy water for 10 to 15 minutes. This allows the detergent to dissolve any oils or dirt. For particularly dirty bras, leave them in the water for one hour.

5.Swish and squish the bras. This helps loosen and dirt and oils. The water will be pretty murky by now.

6.Drain the dirty water and rinse the bras with clean water. Do this until the water runs clear. Consider rinsing them in the bathtub, which will give you more space.

7.Repeat the soapy water bath and rinsing for very dirty bras. If your bras have not been washed in a while, you may need to give them another soak in fresh, soapy water; do not use the old, dirty water again. Be sure to rinse the bras well, until there is no soap left

8.Press the bras between two towels to remove any moisture. Lay the bra down on a towel, and cover it with another towel. Press down on the bra and towel. Do not squeeze or wring the bra.

9.Reshape the cups and let the bra air dry. You can either hang the bra up or you can lay it down on a clean, dry towel. If you choose to hang the bra to dry, do not hang it by the straps, as this will cause them to stretch. Instead, drape the bra by the middle over a clothesline or a drying rack. You can also clip the band of the bra to a hanger.

Knowing how to wash your bras properly prevents your bras from getting damaged, and extends the comfort and life of your bra. Hand washing your bras is the safest way.

1.Fill a sink with warm water and add some mild detergent. Unless you are washing a great number of hand-wash items, you will only need between 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon of detergent.If you do not have a sink, you can use a bucket instead. Be sure that you are using an alcohol-free detergent intended for hand washing garments. If you do not have any mild detergents at home, you can easily make one of your own:
•Combine 1 cup (240 milliliters) of hot water, 1 teaspoon of baby shampoo, and 1 to 2 drops essential oil (such as lavender or chamomile). Fill a sink or bucket with lukewarm water, then add your homemade detergent.
•Dilute some liquid castile soap with water, and add it to a sink or bucket filled with warm water.

2.Mix the detergent into the water. Do this by swishing your hand around in the water. Keep doing this until you get some bubbles and foam. Do not get concerned if there is not a lot of foam; too many suds will not only not clean better, but wastes detergent, and makes rinsing a longer process.

3.Add the bras in. Try to wash similar colors together, especially cotton bras, as dark colors can discolor light colors. Bras made of synthetic materials can typically be washed together without fear of "bleeding".

4.Let the bras sit in the soapy water for 10 to 15 minutes. This allows the detergent to dissolve any oils or dirt. For particularly dirty bras, leave them in the water for one hour.

5.Swish and squish the bras. This helps loosen and dirt and oils. The water will be pretty murky by now.

6.Drain the dirty water and rinse the bras with clean water. Do this until the water runs clear. Consider rinsing them in the bathtub, which will give you more space.

7.Repeat the soapy water bath and rinsing for very dirty bras. If your bras have not been washed in a while, you may need to give them another soak in fresh, soapy water; do not use the old, dirty water again. Be sure to rinse the bras well, until there is no soap left

8.Press the bras between two towels to remove any moisture. Lay the bra down on a towel, and cover it with another towel. Press down on the bra and towel. Do not squeeze or wring the bra.

9.Reshape the cups and let the bra air dry. You can either hang the bra up or you can lay it down on a clean, dry towel. If you choose to hang the bra to dry, do not hang it by the straps, as this will cause them to stretch. Instead, drape the bra by the middle over a clothesline or a drying rack. You can also clip the band of the bra to a hanger.

Knowing how to wash your bras properly prevents your bras from getting damaged, and extends the comfort and life of your bra. Hand washing your bras is the safest way.1.Fill a sink with warm water and add some mild detergent. Unless you are washing a great number of hand-wash items, you will only need between 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon of detergent.If you do not have a sink, you can use a bucket instead. Be sure that you are using an alcohol-free detergent intended for hand washing garments. If you do not have any mild detergents at home, you can easily make one of your own:

•Combine 1 cup (240 milliliters) of hot water, 1 teaspoon of baby shampoo, and 1 to 2 drops essential oil (such as lavender or chamomile). Fill a sink or bucket with lukewarm water, then add your homemade detergent.
•Dilute some liquid castile soap with water, and add it to a sink or bucket filled with warm water.

2.Mix the detergent into the water. Do this by swishing your hand around in the water. Keep doing this until you get some bubbles and foam. Do not get concerned if there is not a lot of foam; too many suds will not only not clean better, but wastes detergent, and makes rinsing a longer process.

3.Add the bras in. Try to wash similar colors together, especially cotton bras, as dark colors can discolor light colors. Bras made of synthetic materials can typically be washed together without fear of "bleeding".

4.Let the bras sit in the soapy water for 10 to 15 minutes. This allows the detergent to dissolve any oils or dirt. For particularly dirty bras, leave them in the water for one hour.

5.Swish and squish the bras. This helps loosen and dirt and oils. The water will be pretty murky by now.

6.Drain the dirty water and rinse the bras with clean water. Do this until the water runs clear. Consider rinsing them in the bathtub, which will give you more space.

7.Repeat the soapy water bath and rinsing for very dirty bras. If your bras have not been washed in a while, you may need to give them another soak in fresh, soapy water; do not use the old, dirty water again. Be sure to rinse the bras well, until there is no soap left

8.Press the bras between two towels to remove any moisture. Lay the bra down on a towel, and cover it with another towel. Press down on the bra and towel. Do not squeeze or wring the bra.

9.Reshape the cups and let the bra air dry. You can either hang the bra up or you can lay it down on a clean, dry towel. If you choose to hang the bra to dry, do not hang it by the straps, as this will cause them to stretch. Instead, drape the bra by the middle over a clothesline or a drying rack. You can also clip the band of the bra to a hanger.

Knowing how to wash your bras properly prevents your bras from getting damaged, and extends the comfort and life of your bra. Hand washing your bras is the safest way.